I confess that I dread mornings.  Or as I usually say, mornings are unkind.

While we’re not all wired to be morning people, we are all wired to kick ass.

That’s why I contributed to this list of 10 things happy professionals do before 10 a.m.

My tip: do something that makes you feel POWERFUL.

Personally, as dreadful as it is to claw my way out of bed and drag my butt to the gym before the sun rises, I do it because a workout will leave me feeling empowered for the rest of the day.

The key is to pursue what makes YOU feel powerful.  There’s no one size fit all.  Like to tickle your mind?  Do a quick word puzzle.  Love to organize?  Blast some music and freshen up one area of your home.

Read more about this and other tips by professionals over at Ladders.