Not all families are inclusive and supportive of diverse relationships, sadly.  For folx that desire to share relationship news with their family members but are unsure that they will receive acceptance, this can be a daunting process.

For many, especially those from collectivist cultures, gaining acceptance of their partner and relationship from family is highly important.  This desire is often paired with fear and pain if family members do not share similar values on inter-cultural/ faith/ racial relationships, or relationships that thrive beyond the heteronormative, gender-binary lens.

I understand how difficult and even nerve-racking these disclosure conversations can be. In this Elite Daily article, I share a few ideas on how to navigate challenging family dynamics when disclosing this relationship news.  (Please remember to first protect your heart ❤️).  I hope that this will be helpful for you or someone you know and care about.

Read full article: Here’s How To Tell Your Family About Your Relationship, Even If You’re Nervous